So I decided to make this here blog. I am
so addicted to the internet and all that it has to offer. I really really am. I wish I weren’t, but I am. Okay. That was a lie. I don’t wish that. I mean please people. It’s just got
so much going on! Yakkety boxes so that I can talk to my friends who live far away (lets face it, my coworkers too, we can talk about each other
all day long and no one is the wiser). Google Images. All the news I can handle. Itunes. eBay. Oh. My. Word. eBay. I’m telling you, I’m a shameless internet groupie. If the internet has a concert, I’ll totally be selling homemade “I heart Internet” tee shirts from out my car boot. Oh! Maybe even bumper stickers too. I think I could do a mean “I brake for Intenet” sticker out of some white contact paper and a green sharpie (don’t
even get me started on sharpies).
Wait. What was I saying? Oh, right. My blog.
So, here’s what I did. I made this blog for you all to read. It could get rude sometimes, so there’s your warning, and I expect no sass.
My first blog (this here one) will be all about why I named it what I did.
rebeccamariewinters. I can explain that easily. I tried rebecca marie winters, but it wouldn’t let me. Something about no spaces blah blah blah. Whatever, fine. So, rebeccamariewinters it is.
Marie. I know, some of you have been under the impression that my middle name is Lynn. And, up until recently, you would have been correct. Here’s a little story. I
hated my middle name. “Lynn is a nice name, nothing wrong with that,” you may be saying to yourself. Maybe not, too, but maybe. Well, it is a fine name, but here’s why
I hate it. My dad had an ex-girlfriend named Lynn.
AND, my mother had an ex-boyfriend named Lynn. Uber Ick, right? Right. Now, they both
claim that they didn’t mean this. Daddy-O says that “it’s just a pretty name.” Whatever, yeah. Most humans have their ex’s on a
strict “do not name list.”
Oh, I got distracted. Anyway. I was complaining about this recently, as complaining is one of my hobbies. Feel free to join in at any time. I’ve got no exlusive rights. My Grandmother Jeanette over heard my miserable story. Let me tell you. I
love my Grandma Jeanette. She was one of God’s very best ideas (thank you God for Grandma Jeanette). So she pipes in with “from here forward, your name will be Rebecca Marie onaccountabecause that’s
my middle name and I love you.” That is an approximate paraphrase. Had I not been so overwhelmed by her generosity, I probably would have seen if the family stenographer would send me a transcript of her exact words, but those are the gist. The amazing thing? I’m not even a blood grandchild of this amazing woman. She just loves me that much anyway. And I love her that much back.
As for Winters. A while back, Roanna (my mother) asked me what my pen name was going to be. At first I thought it was a pretty dumb question (I was going to use a fancier word than dumb there, but I decided that it fit). I’m probably never going to finish the couple of books I’ve got going, so why bother with a pen name? But, the more I thought about it, the more fun it seemed to have one. So, Winters it is. You can ask me how I came up with Winters if you’d like, and maybe I’ll tell you. Maybe I wont, too, but maybe I will.
So there you have it. The story of Rebecca Marie Winters (I
love that name). I’ll put nonsense words and babble talk down for you all to read as I think of it. A little bit for my own entertainment, but mostly onaccountabecause you have to “publish” your blog in order for it to show, and I really want to have at least
some of my words published.

arrivederci, rebecca marie