i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

blurting rules

So I’ve got this pretty wicked blurting problem. Yeah that’s right. Blurting. I tried to name it something cute, but I don’t think that fixes it. I named it "I Think I Say," which is very accurate. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t think that I say things. I say the things that I think, and there is a very large difference. If I thought that I said things, then everyone should be scared, because if even I’m not sure whether or not I say things then we’re all in trouble. It’s most definitely the other. Whatever thought I have, eventually comes shooting out my mouth.

I was in an accounting meeting the other week and my boss says to me he goes "We just bought another nursery and there isn’t anybody going to help you because we don’t care what your work load is like onaccountabecause you just magically do all your work and everyone gets all paid like." That’s not what he said exactly, but it was the gist. So, I go and I say "listen up accounting staff. I’m going to take vacation this year, and you all better just out. I’ve not taken vacation since 1998, unless you count the year I took off to regain my sanity, and I don’t count that as it was an unpaid sabbatical. And a day here and a day there just isn’t enough to recoup, ya dig?" And that pretty much isn’t a paraphrase, I’m telling you. It was blurting at it’s finest. It was met with some blank, and some horrified stares, and a more than awkward silence. Yeah, I think I made my point.

And another time? Last month? I was shopping with Janni Laine, and I hate shopping because it brings out my violent streak. All you girls who love shopping are nut jobs. Total whack jobs. There are better things to do ladies!! Read a book, knit, write love letters to your boyfriend, fix your toenails all pretty, anything but shopping! For the love of all things holy, get out of the mall and have a real life.

Anyway. It was Christmas time, and I do have some people in my life that expect a giftie or two. So, Janni Laine came over from Bend to hold my hand through the process. It was fairly painless, better than most shopping trips I’ve had, prolly cause she was with me. Toward the end though, I started to get antsy. Way antsy. That’s when the blurting incident occurred. We were at Target (my favorite place, if I have to shop, doooood, I heart Target), and I suddenly blurt out, "I hate everyone, all of you," and this real cute boy, maybe 18 whips his head around, totally astounded. So, I point to him, and say to Janni Laine "not him, of course, he looks nice."

Do you think that made up for it? I don’t really know. What I do know is that I’m probably not going to stop blurting anytime soon. I dig it. Word.

arrivederci, rebecca marie

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