i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

devil book - or - catcher in the rye spoiler

So finally, at age 31, I read Catcher in the Rye. I know, I know. I should have read this in grade ten, like the rest of the world. Maybe if I had, I’d be recovered by now. I don’t know though, it really took its toll on me. It follows a 16-year-old man in training called Holden Caulfield through a blink of his life. It’s mostly internal dialogue. It’s mind bending.

I dare anyone to read this book and not be moved. I dare anyone to read this book and not relate to Holden. I’ve rarely encountered a character (I hate calling him a character, he’s way more complete than that) so raw, so real. He is lonely, and in so much pain. The scary thing is he thinks he knows how to fix it. Anyone who can read this book and not relate to Holden is too conceited to recognize their own frailties. I felt privileged to take a walk through his thoughts.

Don’t even get me started on the almost physical reaction that I had when I finally found out why the book is titled what it is. I won’t tell you how it made me feel, or what it means, I’m willing to spoil one part of the story, but by all means, not that.

That. Being. Said.

What in the world is wrong with the universe!!!! When asked, Lee Harvey Oswald sited Catcher in the Rye as the reason he assassinated Kennedy (okay, that's not true, he never said that, but urban legend has it that a copy of the book was found near where he suppposedly shot from, and I like to say he said it, because it makes this blog entry better, and frankly, lots and lots of people believe that he said it, and if enough people believe it, it almost makes it true, right?) (we’ll save the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t assassinate Kennedy for all you conspiracy theorists out there. See Seinfeld episode #34 "The Boyfriend –Part 1" for a beautiful demonstration of the ridiculousness of blaming Oswald. Had Oswald actually shot Kennedy, and had he not been shot later, by someone "protecting the public," and had he gone to trial, and had I been alive then, and had I been on the jury, I’d have wanted to know one thing. "What part made you go that crazy?"

And had he said "the fact that Holden ran from his non-flity teachers house," I’d’ve gone with guilty.

Or had he said "the fact that Holden never found out where the ducks were," I’d’ve gone with guilty.

Or had he said "the fact that I’m also afraid I’ll never stop falling," I’d’ve gone with guilty.

Or had he said "the fact that Phoebe never got to hear the record," I’d’ve gone with guilty.

But, had he said "Holden NEVER called Jane Gallagher…….." Oh. My. Word.


Why why why. Why does that crazy man Salinger not give me that! I needed that. I craved it. I almost cried. I actually threw the book and shouted "What a horrible book." Okay, now I don’t really think the book was horrible. I thought it was amazing. I actually am just taking a breather before I read it again because I can only imagine how much more I’ll get out of it the second time. And the third, and prolly the fourth, too.

So, if anyone reading this truly loves me…. Feel free to write me one more chapter. Write the phone call. Email it to me at rebecca-marie@hotmail.com. Maybe then I’ll be able to sleep tonight. Maybe not, too, but maybe.

arrivederci, rebecca marie

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