chock full of salty goodness
arrivederci, rebecca marie
proclaimed by rebecca marie at 8:23 PM
6 flattering compliments
sometimes you're the cosmopolitan chick walking around with her venti soy triple shot latte without a care in the world and sometimes you're the unsavory martyr who didn't even get a cup of stale coffee with non-dairy coffee whitener in it.
for a $5.00 donation, you will rule the school for as long as it takes for another donation to come in, with a minimum of 24 hours. for a $10.00 donation i'll do a custom drawing for you. okay! now click the button below and donate away!
wanna get an email whenever i update? yeah, i totally would, too, if i were you. just put your email address in the little boxiepooh right below these words and then click the button under the little boxiepooh. easy peasie lemon squeezie.