i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Monday, July 18, 2005

of dreams, dissention, destruction and dessert

I had two strange dreams last night. Well, two that I can recall.

Dream numero uno. My friend Bree is pregnant. I was thinking about her quite a bit yesterday, because she felt the baby move yesterday, and I was oh so very excited for her. In my dream, she had decided to start buying formula for the baby (why is it called “formula,” by the way? Isn’t that an odd word for “baby food?”). Now, she is just about halfway through the pregnancy so it would be a bit premature to start buying formula. In my dream, she sent her husband and father out to the grocery to make the purchase. They came home with (gasp) generic formula. She went totally gunnybag on them and would not let it go. We could not convince her (suddenly I was there, you know how dreams go) that generic was not only absolutely nutritionally sound, but also half the price. I refrained from reminding her that she was planning on nursing the baby.

Dream B. Someone went into my garage and messed with my movie star doll collection. Whoever the criminal mastermind was ruined Ms. Monroe’s hair by putting it all up into a pineapple ponytail, thus ruining my chances of someday selling it for a cool mil.

Moral of the story? Bargain shopping yes! Nursing, yes! Eating ice cream sandwiches before bed cause it’s all the hot out, noooooo. Also, keep your filthy mitts off my toys.

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arrivederci, rebecca marie

8 flattering compliments:

Blogger tabitha jane gushed...

mmmmm . . . ice cream sandwiches.

7/18/2005 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous gushed...

I once dreamed I was rolling a giant donut, and there was a snake wearing a vest...

Wait, that wasn't my dream. Must have been someone else.

7/18/2005 1:11 PM  
Blogger Sarah gushed...

You collect movie star dolls? I only thought I knew you well. :)

7/18/2005 3:54 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

weeeell, i haven't for years... doncha remember this horror?

7/18/2005 3:59 PM  
Blogger JanniLaine gushed...

Why does ice cream hate us so? What did we ever do to it? Keeping us up all night long.

Hateful ice cream.


7/18/2005 7:46 PM  
Blogger Jolene gushed...

Ok, so this is totally unrelated. I just noticed that all your self potraits have a right hair parting, but your profile photo has a left hair parting.

So which is it???

7/19/2005 8:16 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

ha ha ha! you are right! soooo observant! apparently, i draw it as i see it in the mirror! so, you could say it's my alter ego, as mirror images are opposites!

7/19/2005 8:33 PM  
Blogger James T Wood gushed...

I used to work at a computer store in Portland that took care of Scottie Pippen's computer needs. One time not too long after he had come in for work on his laptop I had a dream wherein Scottie Pippen and I were secret agents infiltrating an enemy facility, guns a-blazin'.

7/20/2005 9:22 AM  

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