i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Monday, June 27, 2005

daaaang, i had a real whole lot of hair

Have I mentioned that I'm moving? Well, I am. Today was the day that I picked to clean out my closet. I'm not a pack-rat, not by any means, but I do have two boxes of junk up in my closet. I decided to go through them and condense them into one box. It's basically the souveniers of my life. Some of it was downright frightening. for example;

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That is my "me" pillow. I made it in kindergarten. I'm sure you are positively green with envy.

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That is the beer that Shanna and I convinced some guy to give us while we were on a road trip. And by "give," I mean scoot his car close enough to Shanna's car that I could leeeeaaaan out the passenger window and he could leeeeaaaaan out of his driver window and I could take it. All while driving about 65 mph on I-5 near Seattle. We did not drink the beer. He drank about five in the time we were near him.

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In high school, I was a stained glass master. Not only are you envious of my "me" pillow, you are now envious of my stained glass prowess as well.

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This is some random junk. Feel free to make up stories as to why I kept it, as I have no idea. I'm only keeping it in case my amnesia goes away. It may be a cool story, I just really can't recall.

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Those are student ID cards. They are not mine. For some reason, these boys were dumb enough to succumb to my beauty and charm and give me theirs. I was horrid enough to take them. I almost feel bad that for the remainder of that particular school year they had to actually pay their own admission to school functions. Almost.

And finally, I present to you... proof of the HAIR.

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This is a charcoal drawing that some dude at Mall 205 did of me, Christmas of '91. Lots and lots of hair.

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This is a photo booth picture of me and Shanna taken in spring of '92. While I was unarguably adorable (shout out to you as well, Shanna...), I had WAY too much hair.

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This is a picture that for some reason, I have like thirty of. The portrait studio where Janni Laine and I used to work was interviewing a new photographer and they needed her to do a test roll. I was the guinea pig. And see? Say it with me, too much hair.

Okay, back to cleaning. grrrrrrr.

arrivederci, rebecca marie

12 flattering compliments:

Blogger JanniLaine gushed...

All of that made me soooo happpeeee!!! Yeay! Save some for when I get there! I want to ooh and aah with you.

6/27/2005 2:29 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

you will all be happy to know that when my three year old saw the last picture of me she said "mommy! that's inigo montoya!"

uhm, thanks?

6/27/2005 2:32 PM  
Blogger Sarah gushed...

I only wish I had that much hair. *sigh*

I am not kidding.

6/27/2005 2:48 PM  
Blogger JanniLaine gushed...

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You keel my father. Prepare to Die.

Better than calling you a ROUS!

6/27/2005 2:49 PM  
Blogger breanna gushed...

that is the quintessential 80's perm hair senior pic i've ever seen. of course it's yours.

because you've been so brave with us, i'll show you my perm pic which comes with a free bonus of BRACES and BAD LIPSTICK.

that will be a private showing, of course. i'm not nearly as brave as you.

6/27/2005 3:31 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

oh, that's not my senior picture... that was taken an entire year after high school.

6/27/2005 3:38 PM  
Blogger Sarah gushed...

At least the hair was on your head and not covering every surface of your house like mine currently is.

You look the same! Just different hair :)

6/27/2005 6:18 PM  
Blogger James T Wood gushed...

Gosh, that hair is frickin sweet. You should keep it that way, always and forever.

6/28/2005 8:20 AM  
Blogger Rebecca gushed...

Can I have some of that hair to plant in my bald spot?

6/28/2005 4:33 PM  
Blogger tabitha jane gushed...

i think your hair was early 90s perfection. you almost didn't have enough i should say.

at least it was a perm (?) or at least tameable. mine? well, mine is permanent. i will always have too much hair. no matter how much falls out in the shower.

6/29/2005 1:56 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Andrea Wood gushed...

WOW! Congratulations. You must have one of the strongest necks ever to be able to hold all of that up.

6/30/2005 7:32 AM  
Blogger KMiV gushed...

You have had an interesting life. From the pillow, bottle, ids, to the hair. Sounds like you have had a lot of fun times. I guess when we look back on our past its funny how the hair is always the main thing we worried about but today its the first thing we laugh about! I wonder if Albert Einstines family does the same.

10/19/2005 6:55 AM  

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