i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

little suprises around every corner...

So, I’m moving in the next couple of weeks. Not a task I enjoy, which is why I’ve not done it in eight years. For the most part, it is a very unenjoyable experience for me. However, in the midst of the horror, along came a jewel.

For your viewing pleasure, I have for you a picture of all of the items that the people who came before me left behind in the bathroom drawer…

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Now, just in case you can’t see all of the labels, I’ll catalogue them for you,

4 toothbrushes, weathered to varying degrees
1 full tube Aquafresh toothpaste
1 container dental floss
1 seemingly unharmed ace bandage
2 sample sized bottles of some sort of men’s cologne
1 trial size Edge shaving cream
1 tube of antibiotic ointment
1 bottle nasal spray
1 bottle prescription eye drops
1 bottle “ear care antiseptic” (which is a really gross word, if you break it down)
1 complete set of Arbonne’s acne line
1 box of Nature’s Cure acne treatment for men
4 full tubes of Nature’s Cure acne cream
1 tube Preparation H
1 tube Monistat
1 tube Desitin
1 tube VaginexII

Oh. My. Word. I have come to this conclusion. This was one itchy, stinky, pimply, pierced, allergy ridden, accident prone, family. I think I’ll bleach the toilets…

arrivederci, rebecca marie

15 flattering compliments:

Blogger Sarah gushed...

I hope you'd bleach the toilets anyway....hey, you can use those old toothbrushes to clean the toilets.


6/22/2005 7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous gushed...

So this was left in the bathroom of your new place by the previous residents? What the heck? Has no one heard of cleaning up after themselves?

6/22/2005 7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous gushed...

Can I have the preparation H and one of the toothbrushes?

6/22/2005 7:41 AM  
Blogger tabitha jane gushed...

at least they buy arbonne, that's a plus.

6/22/2005 9:18 AM  
Blogger tabitha jane gushed...


6/22/2005 9:18 AM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

yes, i will send along the preparation h and one toothbrush, the clear one, i should think. but, you shouldn't apply the prep with the toothbrush, just a safety tip. just post your address and the delivery will be forthcoming.

6/22/2005 9:19 AM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

yes, i was super impressed to see the arbonne.

6/22/2005 9:19 AM  
Blogger everyday.wonder gushed...

Am I the only one thankful that you left out a few jey adjectives in your list of what the former people were like? You were going along, matching each item with an adjective, then skipped a few. That's the discretion that has led me to love this blog...

6/22/2005 9:56 AM  
Blogger breanna gushed...

it's like one of those memory games...look at the various skin treatments in this drawer for 45 seconds, then walk away and try to list as many as you can, along with their respective purpose.

my personal favorite: the "seemingly unharmed ace bandage" because my guess is that it was used the way women use socks to help lotion soak into their feet. and that's harmed if you ask me.

6/22/2005 10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous gushed...

I might sandblast the interior while you're at it.

And is your tetanus up to date?

6/22/2005 1:07 PM  
Blogger J. Kevin Parker gushed...

Oh, man! I'm guessing by now this family has figured out that they left all of their hygiene products and went to the store to replace them. So, somewhere, someone at a checkout stand at Walgreen’s a clerk is looking into a shopping cart with precisely those items and thinking the same adjectives you listed. But they get the joy of looking the family in the eyes in the process. Nice.

6/22/2005 9:27 PM  
Blogger Paul gushed...

You gotta love free stuff.

6/23/2005 12:02 AM  
Blogger James T Wood gushed...

You should sell the entire lot on e-bay (say you can see the virgin Mary in the ace bandage).

6/23/2005 6:19 AM  
Blogger Tanya Kristine gushed...

that was frickin hilarious!!

ain't blogging fun? I wish i found this years ago.


6/23/2005 10:33 AM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

oh, thanks musica! i've been wondering where to turn for a natural acne cure. what would i do without you?

10/12/2005 9:04 PM  

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