i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

why isn't it called "obsessive compulsive in order?"

So what if I count all my steps? Who cares if I'm unable to write with a pen whose lid is not lined up with its letters? Does it matter at all that I'm unable to enjoy a glass of ice water if the cubes were not removed from the tray in a specific order? I'm the only one who is affected by my inability to wear shoes that tie because I can't get them tied to equal tightness on both sides. I am so okay with my obsessive compulsive in order.

But, take warning. I may kill someone in the next hour. You see, I've got one pesky strand of hair that I can't keep out of my face. And, one strap of my camisole won't stay up. In my constant quest for symmetry, these two things are enough for me to go flying right off the edge of my proverbial cliff. Once i explain myself on the witness stand, this information will be enough to get me off if there is but one juror who also suffers from obsessive compulsive in order (or, enjoys it as the case may be).

And, if I need to go with insanity? Fine by me. I hear they are doing lovely things with padded cells these days.

arrivederci, rebecca marie

1 flattering compliments:

Blogger RUFUS gushed...

animo y buena suerte

2/11/2005 1:30 PM  

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