i found in my pursuit of God that He was much more hotly in pursuit of me.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

the post which goes nowhere

remember when i used to post regularly? that was awesome.

recently overheard at my house, "will i be four for like seventyhundred weeks?"

i dreamed last night about cabs called "safety jets." they were these big blue cars that looked like men in zoot suits should jump out with tommy guns. they were safe 1) because they were HUGE and 2) because there were cameras inside that fed to moniters on the bumpers so everyone could see what was happening inside the cab. doesn't seem so safe to me... i'd be so busy watching what was happening inside the cab that i'd be the one to rear-end it.

i'm making myself late to real-becca's house because of this post. greeeaaaat.

i made you all a drawing in under five seconds. it is the best picture of ever.

maybe i'll blog for real soon. maybe.

arrivederci, rebecca marie

9 flattering compliments:

Anonymous Anonymous gushed...

Those would be some crazy cabs. And yes, I would also rear end them, it would be like reality tv...only on the back of a gigantic cab.

7/06/2006 9:51 AM  
Blogger LoriLoo310 gushed...

Does it take you seventy hundred weeks to do a good drawing?

7/06/2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Andrea Wood gushed...

134 years and 8 months of being a four year old. That sounds awesome!

7/06/2006 12:40 PM  
Blogger tabitha jane gushed...

i'm having the same problem . . . with the whole blogging regularly thing . . . not the being late to real-becca's house. i've never been late to her house.*

*i've never been to her house.

7/06/2006 4:20 PM  
Blogger Alan gushed...

Did Real-Rebecca tell you how great a time she had at Daddio's house on the 4th?

7/06/2006 5:20 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie gushed...

actually, she did. she likes you.

7/06/2006 5:44 PM  
Blogger Rebecca gushed...

well, tabitha, you are welcome to come whenever (ok, maybe not whenever exactly, but you get my drift).

Dad, yes it was nice to hang. I should be by tomorrow evening or Saturday for laundry. Thanks for always letting me in.

Also, RM, it was great to hang with you today. I hope your daughter stays four for seventy hundred weeks. She's cute the way she is. I know she will be fabulous as each year goes but you know what I mean...

7/06/2006 11:24 PM  
Blogger Nicole gushed...

I love when four year olds say cute stuff. I had NO idea that you even had kids. So now I do. Thanks for letting me in on that tid-bit!! :)

7/07/2006 8:01 PM  
Blogger KMiV gushed...

It is hard to keep up with all the blogs and then have fresh ideas--isn't it?


7/08/2006 5:21 PM  

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